
White Paper: Building a Self-Service Application Portal

Digital transformation has influenced the evolution of work and the distribution of technology, notably with self-service portals for delivering applications on demand. This model, once unique to mobile devices, has now extended to include managed service providers looking to distribute applications to large workforces. With existing desktop application management solutions unable to provide comprehensive solutions and channel organizations still transitioning into “as-a-service” models, a solution is needed to fill the gaps.

This white paper discusses the technologies of application provisioning which make Windows® application stores and self-service portals possible, in addition to discussing the application packaging that can make or break application availability.

Read the White Paper <link to White Paper.>
To learn more about Cloudpaging for MSPs and DaaS providers, visit www.numecent.com/msps/

About numecent

Numecent is an award-winning cloud technology provider headquartered in Irvine, California. The company’s technology portfolio, built upon 64 patents (and counting), simplifies the mobilization and management of Windows applications across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments. Enterprises around the world – including the largest Fortune 500 companies, cloud service providers, and MSPs – leverage these technologies to package and deploy thousands of applications to millions of end-users in a friction-free manner every day.

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