
Unlock the Power of Truly Seamless Application Updates with Cloudpager

Welcome to the first blog in our Application Updates blog series. If you have worked in IT for more than a minute, you are aware of the unenviable task of software deployments which are fraught with risks. Even in the most well-organized environments a simple oversight can significantly impact employee productivity.

This blog will highlight the disruptive nature of application updates and teach you how to modernize your approach using containers, transforming updates into a non-disruptive low-risk process.

One Faulty Deployment Can Take Down Your Business

Updating business-critical applications can cause anxiety for all involved in the update process. If something goes wrong, it is an immediate severity 1 incident with all hands-on deck until everything is restored to a functioning state. You never want to be the person everyone is scrutinizing during the root cause analysis. More importantly, during high-pressure situations when the system needs to be restored and your team is depending on you to play a part in the recovery, you want to be confident you are equipped for the job.

Ensure Seamless Application Updates with Cloudpager

Cloudpager is an administrator’s best friend. When you containerize your applications, you remove a lot of the risks you encounter with traditional application packages and deployments. Cloudpager can quickly update applications seamlessly.

With our dependable cloud infrastructure and advanced container management features – including seamless auto-updates and rollbacks – we are uniquely positioned to empower IT like never before. Cloudpager actually simplifies the patching process by dynamically provisioning updates to end user desktops, providing a truly seamless user experience and reducing the overall risk to your organization. In the off chance you encounter an issue, administrators can quickly roll the update back to restore the app to its previous known good state in a matter of seconds. You won’t be left in the lurch wondering if a deployment will take 30 minutes to complete or even 24 hours to complete.

Rather than describe it further, how about we show you:

If you are an admin or even an executive at an organization where an app update has gone wrong, you are likely already convinced of why this is so awesome after watching that video but as a fun thought exercise I thought it would be cool for me to recant actual real-world examples of application upgrade and application deployment related issues I encountered in my 15+ years working in End User Computing and explain how Cloudpager could have helped save the day. Over the next four blogs in the series I’ll highlight how Cloudpager could have expedited updates without fracturing teams and let us perform weekend updates without taking all weekend.


There is so much stress keeping an entire organization’s IT infrastructure humming along and ensuring your employees are productive and happy. Your application updates and deployments do not need to be a source of aggravation and despair. As containers are deployed quickly and seamlessly, Cloudpager’s container management capabilities can expedite updates allowing you to test applications in real-time and quickly rollback if needed. This significantly reduces the risk of faulty updates and negatively impacting user productivity. Cloudpager offers you the chance to remove application packaging and deployments as a layer of complexity in your IT processes and most of all remove the time and stress that goes along with it.

Learn More

Over the next few blogs I am going to continue exploring how to modernize your approach to application updates and patching with Cloudpager with real-world experiences from my 15+ years in IT. Check out the rest of the series below:

Blog 1: How to Achieve Truly Seamless Application Updates with Cloudpager
Blog 2: Expedited Updates without Capable Tools Fracture Teams
Blog 3: Weekend Updates Don’t Have to Take All Weekend
Blog 4: A Poorly Timed Application Update Cost a Financial Services Organization Millions in Revenue
Blog 5: Slow Application Updates Can Negatively Affect Patient Care

See Cloudpager in Action!

Schedule a demonstration with our Solutions Architects to see how Cloudpager enables you to dynamically provision applications and updates within seconds in a friction-free manner.

About numecent

Numecent is an award-winning cloud technology provider headquartered in Irvine, California. The company’s technology portfolio, built upon 64 patents (and counting), simplifies the mobilization and management of Windows applications across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments. Enterprises around the world – including the largest Fortune 500 companies, cloud service providers, and MSPs – leverage these technologies to package and deploy thousands of applications to millions of end-users in a friction-free manner every day.

See Numecent in Action!

Schedule a demonstration with our Solutions Architects to see how we can simplify the mobilization and management of your entire Windows application estate across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments.