
How MSPs can Elevate Their DaaS Offerings with Numcecent

The rise of cloud computing and “as-a-service” solutions have transformed the role of the managed service provider (MSP). Once in the role of break-fix and one-off consulting projects, MSPs now find themselves faced with the opportunity of recurring revenue and advisory services.

The newfound responsibilities are auspicious for MSPs. According to research firm Markets and Markets, the managed services market is expected to grow to $257 billion by 2022 at a compound annual growth rate of 11.1%. As expected, the bulk of this value stands to be gained from IT activities including application migration and cloud infrastructure implementation.

For some MSPs, their service expansion lies in desktop-as-a-service (DaaS), where responsibilities lie in managing desktop application usage, access, security, and data. The market is a meaningful bet, with services expected to grow 11.31% through 2021. Use cases in DaaS are many, with enterprise, higher education, and life sciences clients leveraging the solution to serve large audiences.

The growth of DaaS is an opportunity for MSPs looking to make the most of the new channel paradigm. However, gaps remain within existing DaaS solutions, including application management, driver support, self-service, and application usage tracking.

Where can MSPs turn?

The MSP Cloudpaging Solution

We understand the challenge of application provisioning and have responded with Cloudpaging, a software deployment process that removes the hassle of application installation and updates.

Numecent’s Cloudpaging solution enhances a DaaS solution by addressing the nuances of application provisioning in these ways:

  • Automates Application Management: Cloudpaging reduces the need to deliver and manage application deployment in DaaS environments by reducing the use of multiple base images. By separating the base operating system during the packaging process, Cloudpaging allows for the operating system to be maintained and patched independent of the applications. One package can be used across multiple operating system versions, eliminating the need for repackaging applications when clients migrate to a new operating system.
  • Helps reduce storage requirements: Individual Cloudpaged applications can be used by multiple desktops and operating system versions. Cloudpaged applications reduce storage footprints, thereby reducing the costs of DaaS providers.
  • Increased Performance: Cloudpaging delivers the minimal needed part of the application, enabling fast desktop provisioning, enabling increased application performance and responsiveness.
  • Scalability: Each Cloudpaging server is highly scalable, fault tolerant, and can service over 10,000 desktops per instance while delivering hundreds of Cloudpaged application packages. In essence, DaaS providers can provide limitless service to a high number of users.

Concluding Thoughts

As the technology services market continues to transform under pressure, MSPs with DaaS solutions will continue looking for avenues to add value to their services.

Find out how a leading cloud services provider used Cloudpaging technology to power the application provisioning of its online application store.  Read the Case Study here.

To learn more about Cloudpaging for MSPs and DaaS providers, visit www.numecent.com/cloudpaging-for-msps/.

About numecent

Numecent is an award-winning cloud technology provider headquartered in Irvine, California. The company’s technology portfolio, built upon 64 patents (and counting), simplifies the mobilization and management of Windows applications across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments. Enterprises around the world – including the largest Fortune 500 companies, cloud service providers, and MSPs – leverage these technologies to package and deploy thousands of applications to millions of end-users in a friction-free manner every day.

See Numecent in Action!

Schedule a demonstration with our Solutions Architects to see how we can simplify the mobilization and management of your entire Windows application estate across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments.