
Move Fast to Salvage Your Windows 7 Applications Before End of Support on January 10, 2023

You have less than 12 weeks to migrate applications off Windows 7

For most of us, support for Windows 7 ended back in 2020, However, for organizations heavily invested in the Windows 7 ecosystem, Microsoft provided an option to pay for extended support in which they could receive security updates and technical support. That paid support offering expires January 10, 2023, meaning folks have less than three months to get all their applications off Windows 7 and to a supported operating system if they want to remain secure.

Unlock the Full Power of the Windows Ecosystem

Package All Your Applications for Modern OS with Cloudpaging

The good news is Cloudpaging provides a solution to seamlessly package your applications, enabling you to lift and shift them to modern Windows OS without any changes to the applications themselves. Better yet, you can package even the most complex legacy and custom applications with their dependencies, such as drivers, COM+ component services, Windows Services, etc.

The video below demonstrates how Cloudpaging enables you to package large legacy applications (e.g., ArcView GIS) and deploy them to modern operating systems.

Lift and Shift All Your Applications to Windows 10, Windows 11, and Beyond

The beauty of Cloudpaging containers is they can be reused across any modern Windows OS, eliminating the need to repackage applications for different Windows operating systems or devices. Not only are you enabling your applications to seamlessly lift and shift off Windows 7, but you are future-proofing your application estate for any future Windows Server or Windows OS migrations.

Streamline Application Deployment and Management in the Cloud

The power of Cloudpaging containers becomes even more apparent with Cloudpager – the first and only container management platform for Windows desktops. While we are certainly bias toward our own product, as Cloudpaging provides the highest rate of application compatibility on the market, the platform also supports App-V and MSIX packages.

Check out our recent blog Creating a Future for Your App-V Packages for in-depth insights into modernizing your existing Microsoft packaging and deployment efforts.

Drag and drop application container upload
Figure 1: Drag and drop all your Cloudpaging, App-V, and MSIX packages to the cloud

Achieve a Single Golden Image for All Windows Desktop Environments

Cloudpaging containers have an unparalleled level of compatibility ensuring you should never need to create new images due to application conflicts or incompatibility. Cloudpaging virtualizes applications on a per-user basis, enabling you to deliver all your applications dynamically to your users. The combination of high packaging and deployment success rate paired with dynamic per-user virtualization is the recipe for getting to a single gold image to service your entire enterprise.

One of our customers, a global banking and financial institution, leveraged Cloudpaging to achieve a single golden image for more than 100,000 virtual desktop users. They were on Windows 7 and only able to virtualize 30 percent of their legacy applications with App-V and other app layering solutions. With Cloudpaging, they successfully packaged more than 500 legacy applications in just 20 days and seamlessly deployed them across persistent and non-persistent VDI running in Windows 10 environments.

Read the case study here >>


With Cloudpaging, you can drastically simplify and accelerate your journey off Windows 7 as its end of support approaches on January 10, 2023. Not only can you package your entire application estate to deploy across modern Windows OS, but you eliminate the need to repackage them for different operating systems and devices. Ultimately, this helps your future-proof your application estate for emerging Windows technologies while providing you with the flexibility to move between platforms with a simple lift and shift.

Cloudpager – the first and only container management platform for Windows desktops – maximizes the impact of Cloudpaging by providing a fully managed SaaS platform to dynamically provision, update, rollback, remove, and meter all your applications from a single pane of glass the cloud.

About numecent

Numecent is an award-winning cloud technology provider headquartered in Irvine, California. The company’s technology portfolio, built upon 64 patents (and counting), simplifies the mobilization and management of Windows applications across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments. Enterprises around the world – including the largest Fortune 500 companies, cloud service providers, and MSPs – leverage these technologies to package and deploy thousands of applications to millions of end-users in a friction-free manner every day.

See Numecent in Action!

Schedule a demonstration with our Solutions Architects to see how we can simplify the mobilization and management of your entire Windows application estate across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments.